Thursday, April 21, 2016

Needles and Pins

 Besides being back to the day job, the weather took a turn back to a typical Midwest spring. The whole April showers thing you know? So the progress on Zan's Can is on hold until the weekend but even then Sweet Pea's Prom will likely eat into rehab time. Meanwhile I am way overthinking the whole canvas repair issue as is my habit for all things in life.

Just know that we can't even hope for a Memorial Day camp out until things like zippers pulling out get repaired!! Had thought I'd have a post joking about how men do repairs... the very frequent "go to" repair item of duct tape!!! The more I emptied out the Can's cabinets and drawers the first day home the funnier the topic of how the sexes approach repairs. The show stopper was when I found this in one of the drawers!! 

Have yet to run into the spot in the Can where this glue was used but it will not surprise when I do find that repair. The humorous post kind of feel apart when Mr. Creature Comforts and the Leprechaun dove straight in to the door repair and with the discovery that Mr. Single Dad did actually get close to a proper repair.....

...when he used safety pins!! Now pins are a step in the right direction. I have the upholstery thread and heavy duty needles on the ready to start sewing the Can's canvas but must admit to fantasizing about getting a whole new skin for her. A skimming of the websites of the highest rated canvas replacement companies seems to suggest that a whole replacement would run $850-$1250, yikes. The bigger kicker is that those companies are saying this is their busiest season and the turn around time is in the 8-10 weeks range right now. So this sewer could not be faulted for toying with the idea of using next winter's hibernation period for the Can to sew one from scratch in a unique color not offered by any of the companies?? Maybe even go off from the herd altogether and use a print????

Meanwhile, I am in my sewing room!! Sweet Pea and her BFF both need alterations on their Prom dresses completed by tomorrow night. The box with the cushion fabrics has arrived and is sitting on my cutting table tempting me mightily.....trying to not even open it so as not to give into my instant gratification!

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